Thursday, November 28, 2019

Brechtian Techniques Used in Drama Essay Example

Brechtian Techniques Used in Drama Paper How I have used Brecht techniques and style in my performance. In my performance, my group and I have used an array of Brechtian techniques and styles to create a stylised and tasteful performance. Some of these techniques are necessary for a Brechtian piece, such as the use of gestus, play building and alienation. Some other Brechtian techniques such as the use of spazz, songs/music, montage and placards help create a greater meaning in the performance. When my group and I started our performance, we first had to come up with a strong and clear gestus. We did this by looking in the newspaper – we found many articles about young people inflicting harm on each other and juveniles involved in serious crimes. This topic struck us as a current issue that we could relate to and that we understood. We discussed this further until we all agreed that we would create a play built performance based upon how society has created the monster that is generation Y. We used this as motivation for all the other scenes or episodes that would be supporting our gestus. The play building process has been severely vital in the construction of our performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Brechtian Techniques Used in Drama specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Brechtian Techniques Used in Drama specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Brechtian Techniques Used in Drama specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As we improvised each idea, it was a process of trial and error to see which episodes would be included into the performance. Improvisation played a big part in the play building process because a lot of our best ideas have come from acting on impulse, and have steered us into new, sophisticated directions. Each scene we develop, the group had to take the technique of alienation into great consideration. It is so easy to forget this factor, which is absolutely vital in a Brechtian performance. After we finished or developed a scene, we all discussed how we could make the audience feel more alienated. An example of this is in our first scene when the scientist is directly addressing and talking to the audience. It makes each audience remember that they are watching a performance and it ensures that they don’t get caught up in the characters or that specific scene. This is important because the audience has to look at the bigger picture instead of getting attached to the story. To reinforce our gestus and help the audience clearly understand what we are saying, each actor in our group is wearing a nametag, such as â€Å"GEN X† or â€Å"SOCIETY†, so the audience understands our symbolism without having to think too much about it. We also are using placards for each scene to outline what we are trying to say in each episode. By getting a member of the group to change the placard, this also alienates the audience by breaking down the â€Å"4th wall†. A significant technique we have used is spazz. By displaying a scene, which is serious, and then suddenly breaking out into comical movement and dialogue, this breaks the serious moment and also helps in breaking the 4th wall. Songs and music go well with spazz. In one of our scenes, the scientist is talking to the audience about serious matters with the generations, and then each generation breaks into a comical satire song, mocking The Brady Bunch. We have combined spazz and music for this to create a fast paced performance. It is important not to have a slow and clunky performance otherwise the audience could get bored and confused about the gestus. To avoid a possibly slow performance, we have used montage. Montage also adds to making it a fast paced performance and also makes the audience think about what is being said. We contrast different war images from different wars against each other. We made sure that these images were very clear so the audience would not have try and understand what we are saying. To assist this, we are using projection and projecting the image behind us. Brecht used placards in his performances; in a way projection is a modern version of placards. It will assist us a great deal in our performance and will engage the audience. Brecht techniques have helped myself and my group in preparing and performing our piece. By using these techniques, it has assisted us in searching for a deeper meaning when creating a performance and made us think about how we can use drama to get a message across to the audience.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Biography of Georges Braque, Pioneer Cubist Painter

Biography of Georges Braque, Pioneer Cubist Painter Georges Braque (May 13, 1882 - August 31, 1963) was a French artist best known for his cubist paintings and the development of collage techniques. He worked closely with Pablo Picasso as they broke down traditional rules of the use of perspective in painting. Fast Facts: Georges Braque Occupation: Painter and collage artistBorn: May 13, 1882 in Argenteuil, FranceDied: August 31, 1963 in Paris, FranceSelected Works: Houses at lEstaque (1908), Bottle and Fishes (1912), Violin and Pipe (1913)Notable Quote: Truth exists; only lies are invented. Early Life and Training Growing up in the port city of Le Havre, France, young Georges Braque trained to be a house painter and decorator like his father and grandfather. In addition to working on his vocation, Braque studied in the evenings at Le Havres Ecole des Beaux-Arts as a teenager. After apprenticing with a decorator, he earned a certificate to practice the craft in 1902. In 1903, Braque enrolled in the Academie Humbert in Paris. He painted there for two years and met avant-garde painters Marie Laurencin and Francis Picabia. The earliest Braque paintings are in the classic impressionist style. That changed in 1905 when he began to associate with Henri Matisse. Public domain Fauvist Matisse was at the forefront of the group of painters known as the Fauves (beasts in English). They are noted for the use of vibrant colors and simpler lines designed to make a bold, emotional statement to the viewer. Georges Braques first exhibit of his Fauvist paintings took place at the Salon des Independants show Paris in 1907. Braques Fauvist works are slightly more subdued in color than those of some of the other leaders of the style. He worked closely with Raoul Dufy and fellow Le Havre artist Othon Friesz. After viewing a massive retrospective show of the work of Paul Cezanne in Paris in late 1907, Braques work began to shift again. He also visited Pablo Picassos studio for the first time in 1907 to view the legendary painting Les Demoiselles dAvignon. The association with Picasso had a powerful impact on Braques evolving technique. The Olive Tree Near lEstaque (1906). Public domain Work With Pablo Picasso Georges Braque began to work closely with Picasso as they both developed a new style that was soon dubbed cubism. Many researchers dispute the specific origins of the term, but while organizing a salon show in 1908, Matisse reportedly said Braque has just sent in a painting made of little cubes. Picasso and Braque were not the only artists developing the new approach to painting, but they were the most prominent. Both artists exhibited influences of Paul Cezannes experiments with painting objects from multiple perspectives. While some believed that Picasso led the way and Braque merely followed in his wake, a close examination by art historians has revealed that Picasso focused on the animation of objects while Braque explored a more contemplative approach. In 1911, Braque and Picasso spent the summer together in the French Pyrenees mountains painting side by side. They produced works that are virtually impossible to distinguish from each other in terms of style. In 1912, they expanded their approach to include collage techniques. Braque invented what came to be known as papier colle, or paper cutouts, a method of incorporating paper with paint to create the collage. Braques piece Violin and Pipe (1913) illustrates how the pieces of paper allowed him to literally take the shapes present in the objects apart and rearrange them to create art. Man with a Guitar (1911). Corbis Historical / Getty Images The extended collaboration came to an end in 1914 when Georges Braque enlisted in the French Army to fight in World War I. He suffered a severe head injury in May 1915 in the battle at Carency. Braque experienced temporary blindness and required a long period of recuperating. He did not begin painting again until late 1916. Cubist Style The style of cubism is an expansion of the experiments by painter Paul Cezanne in depicting three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional canvas. Cezanne died in 1906, and, following significant retrospectives of his work in 1907, Pablo Picasso painted Les Demoiselles dAvignon, a piece that many believe is an example of proto-Cubism. At the same time as Picasso exhibited his new style through abstracted images of people, Braque was at work on extending Cezannes vision of landscapes with reductive, geometric forms. Soon, the pair became leaders of a new style of painting that attempted to represent multiple viewpoints on an object or person simultaneously. Some observers likened the works to a diagram of how the objects worked and moved in real life. Gjon Mili / Getty Images In the period between 1909 and 1912, Braque and Picasso focused on a style now known as analytic cubism. They painted mostly in neutral colors like brown and beige while taking apart objects and analyzing their shapes on the canvas. It is difficult to tell the work of the two artists apart in this period. One of Braques key works during this time is Bottle and Fishes (1912). He broke the object into so many discreet shapes that the whole became nearly unrecognizable. Cubists challenged the conventional view of perspective in painting that ruled the establishment since the Renaissance. It was perhaps the most important legacy of Braques art. Breaking down the rigid notion of perspective paved the way for multiple developments in the painting of the 20th century that ultimately led to pure abstraction. Later Work After he began painting again in 1916, Georges Braque worked alone. He began to develop a more idiosyncratic style that included brighter colors while relaxing the harsh nature of his earlier cubist work. He became close friends with Spanish artist Juan Gris. New subject matter entered Braques work in the 1930s. He began to focus on Greek heroes and gods. He explained that he wanted to show them in a pure form stripped of symbolic gestures. The bright colors and emotional intensity of these paintings depict the emotional anxiety felt by Europeans as a second world war approached. Painter and Model (1939). Corbis Historical / Getty Images After World War II, Braque painted ordinary objects like flowers and garden chairs. He created his final series of eight works between 1948 and 1955. They were all titled Atelier, the French word for the studio. At the time Georges Braque died in 1963, many considered him one of the fathers of modern art. Legacy While his painting ranged across multiple styles during his lifetime, Georges Braque is primarily remembered for his cubist work. His focus on still life and landscapes influenced later artists who returned to the traditional subject matter. Braques most distinctive legacy is his development of collage techniques involving cut paper that he focused on for only a few short years of his career. Source Danchev, Alex. Georges Braque: A Life. Arcade, 2012.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Short-Run and of the Macro Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Short-Run and of the Macro Economy - Essay Example As the study outlines Keynesian theory gives focus on immediate outcomes in the economic theory and will focus on short term policies set by the government and how they can be used to improve the economy. The Keynesian theory is built on the belief that the government will be responsible for the economy and will lay down policies that will put the economy in a favorable state. These will include policies such as monetary and fiscal policies, which are used to regulate the economy. The neoclassical theory is based on a free market hence the forces of demand and supply shape the economy. A change in quantity demanded is generally the increase or decrease in demand that is brought about by a change in price of the product which results to a change in quantity demanded. This implies that the change in the quantity demanded will be altered only because of a change in price whereas shift in demand is caused by other factors other than price. Change in quantity demand involves a movement al ong the demand curve.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gone With The Wind Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gone With The Wind - Research Paper Example As such, parody on its own or with the inclusion of satire does not attract infringement while a satire that stands alone attracts infringement of the copyright law. This brings the issue of fair use as demonstrated by several infringement battles such as in the case of Colting’s 60 Years Later novel and Suntrust Bank v Houghton Mifflin. Fair use sets a legal ground that permits commercial and creative decisions regarding rewrites. This leads to more cultural products making our culture richer, but also poses the big challenge of determining what qualifies as fair use and what does not. Thampapillai, Dilan. The Novel as a Social Satire: 60 Years Later, the Wind Done Gone and the Limitations of Fair Use. Deakin Law Review (2012): 427-452.Print. In The Novel as a Social Satire: 60 Years Later, The Wind Done Gone and the Limitations of Fair Use, the author, Dilan Thampapillai, evaluate the doctrine of fair use and its application in the society. He also explores the difference be tween fair use in Australian Copyright law and the American Copyright law in order to give an insight into the distinction between satire and parody. Furthermore, Dilan evaluates application of fair use with reference to the case of 60 Years Later and the rewrite of Gone With The Wind. Dilan Thampapillai currently works as a lecturer at the Deakin University School of Law. Prior to this, Dilan worked at the Australian Government Solicitor and Attorney-General’s Department as a lawyer. Evidently, he has a good background in the area of law giving credibility to his work. In addition, Dilan specializes in topics such as free speech, intellectual property, and public law. Dilan currently studies PhD at Melbourne University, holds a Master in Laws and a Bachelor of Laws from Cornell University and Australian National University respectively. Furthermore, the article is recent, published in 2012, thus, has up to date information about fair use. I will use the information in this a rticle to get an insight into the issue of fair use and infringement of Copyright issues. I will use the information from this article to evaluate the circumstances that a rewrite qualifies as fair use, and the circumstances under which it does not, that is, qualifies as infringement. Thus, this article will help me to understand better the concepts of parody and satire, and how they apply in Copyright issues. Dilan Thampapillai writes, â€Å"What must be accepted then is that both parody and satire are exercises in free speech and the fact that they warrant a free use exception in copyright law suggests that the statutory monopoly that is copyright needs to be reconciled with democratic values† (429). Beebe, Barton. An Empirical Study of US Copyright Fair Use Opinions, 1978-2005. University of Philadelphia Law Review (2008): 582-586. Print. In An Empirical Study of US Copyright Fair Use Opinions, the author, Beebe Barton discusses several opinions that argue for fair use. Ba rton refers to the four conditions in the US Copyright Act that fair use is dependent on. These are character and purpose of use, nature of the work copyrighted, sustainability and amount, and effect on the market. Beebe Barton is an intellectual law expert and a lecturer of the same at the New York University of Law. Beebe has J.D. from Yale school of Law attained in 2001, PhD from Princeton University and B.A. in Masters from the University of Chicago. In addition, Beebe is well vast in the topic of intellectual law, infringement, and

Monday, November 18, 2019

The global issues of healthcare management Research Paper

The global issues of healthcare management - Research Paper Example The advent of new client technology is bringing in even more issues or reintroducing older ones to the fore. This disruptive technology enhances better patient power. The most supple and advanced health economies have the change to revolutionize the manner in which care is delivered, and in doing this, in order to change their societies (Hall, 2011). This article outlines issues that face the global healthcare management, as well as some of the trends that scholars think greatly impact healthcare for the better or maybe worse. Among the global challenges that affect healthcare include: (1) rising costs, (2) changing demographics, (3) filling the resource gap, (4) easy access, (5) focus on quality and (6) becoming customer-driven. Spending on healthcare basically invariably increases faster compared to GDP. Its growth rate has surpassed that of GDP ever since national record keeping started. In addition, economic recession and spending closely related (Kongstvedt, 2013). Experts claim that we can see the growth rate of healthcare spending in continents such as Europe and Asia outshine the GDP growth considerable during these financially challenging times. Macroeconomic aspects such as aging populaces or inadequate public funding among others are challenging both providers and receivers or healthcare (Kongstvedt, 2013). Penetration and adoption rates of clinical information systems differ greatly. In reality, the number, as well as size of buyers, differs from nation to nation, plus it is not vitally reliant on the size of the nation, but instead on the healthcare system structure. In addition, people’s purchasing behavior is changing towards a more coordinated and joint purchasing from what researchers have seen in the past (Kongstvedt, 2013). There is rising demand on the healthcare delivery institutions, and this is occurring in every nations. Peoples’ immortality rates have increased all

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of the Digital Age

Impact of the Digital Age INTRODUCTION The digital age refers to present time use of machines and computers to present information. The digital age had an overall impact on our societies and day to day activities. It has a lot of advantages and disadvantages i.e. it came with so many opportunities as well as costs. We are living in the age in which professionals in digital technologies are trying to push their boundaries on becoming more advanced in technology even beyond our imagination. Digital world has given a new explanation to technology which is now used as a mode of expression, interactions, entertainments, learning etc. Most of us knew that there will be a stage in life where digital devices will be the most important part of human beings. Let’s take ourselves as an example here; we use smart phones, ipads, laptops etc. Devices that we carry with us whenever we go to the toilet, but the most important question here iscan we survive without these devices in our possession or pockets? The answer will most definitely be â€Å"no† for most of us depend so much on these devices in our daily life or activities. As we know that we are living in the digital world and these devices have changed completely the way human beings have lived before, due to the simplicity of using digital devices from texting, sending/receiving pictures/music/, making video calls and other hundreds of functions that digital devices have. These devices have even made us to be able to perform multiple tasks as soon as we hold them in our hands, we might read a message, listen to music, talking to someone, checking Facebook accounts etc. But how do we divide our attention from these tasks? We as humans may not perform multitasking accurately like how computers do, as we lack the ability to monitor multiple tasks at the same time but yet we can give individual attention to each task. The essential thing to humans on these digital devices is their memory, which has extended extremely fast and efficiently. We use this memory part of the digital devices from storing very critical secrets, important business documents, pictures etc. Not only due to its faithfulness but also the ability to maintaining the stored information for a very long time as long as we keep them in our machines and nobody can access them without our permission. Professionals in memory engineering have managed to make our lives easier by creating and improving the digital memory that we use. Instead of saving information in our heads/papers we just save them in our digital devices and carry the saved information with us wherever we go to and we do not even worry about them once they are stored. THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL AGE ON THE SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND POLITICAL LIFE OF SOCIETIES TODAY. SOCIALLY Digital age has impacted the social life of societies hugely. In the past, most of our social interactions were private and undocumented. That is increasingly not the case with the advent of digital age. When we interact with each other through the internet, we leave digital records behind. Companies like Facebook and Twitter have huge databases full of all kinds of information about our social behaviours. Let’s think of the days where there were no online messengers, no emails, and no cell phones. Indeed cellular technology made it possible for us to communicate over wireless media. Web communication facilities have worked wonders in speeding long-distance communication. Today we can reach and keep in touch with our family and friendseven our enemies, with the help of social networks like bbm, facebook, twitter, skype etc.On the other hand, they have deprived mankind of the warmth of personal contact. Emails replaced handwritten letters and communication lost its personal tou ch. With the means of communication so easily accessible, that magic in waiting to reach someone and the excitement that followed has vanished. Also, the internet has bred many unethical practises, like hacking, spamming etc. Internet crime is on the rise. The internet being an open platform lacks regulation. There is no regulation on the content displayed on websites. Internet gambling has become an addiction for so many, access to pornographic sights and inappropriate information is made accessible to children. Overexposure to the internet has taken its toll. Children are spending all their time playing online and less or almost no time on the ground. Youngsters are spending most of their time social networking, missing on the joys of real social life. ECONOMICALLY Economically, the digital age has also helped a whole lot. Industrial revolution is one of the impacts of digital age in the economic life of societies today because the use of new technologies and inventions of machines helps towards increasing production of goods and services and also delivering those goods to the appropriate place when needed. Also, without the world wide web(www) for example, globalization and outsourcing would not be nearly as feasible as they are today. The digital revolution radically changed the way individuals and companies interact. Small regional companies were suddenly given access to much larger markets. Concepts such as on-demand services, manufacturing and rapidly dropping technology costs, made possible innovations in all aspects of industry and everyday life. POLITICALLY Going deep into the impact of digital age on the political life of the society, another considerable impact to look on is during the election period today, people do come out of their houses to vote for the beloved candidate, individuals were given the right to vote for whom they wish to be their leader and at any period. A well educated individual with the necessary requirement that will qualify him to stand as a candidate during an election can do so. Today, you can now write an article, letter or even through computers that are all over which will enable you to go online, search for one of your leaders and have a mutual conversation with him/her about the political problems that rises all the time, the issue of corruption among the leaders, misuse of public funds etc and the best way to tackle all these problems. People could get things that were previously not available to common people, and the standard of living could go up. Conclusion We integrate through digital age, nature and quality of interactions. We have with everything around us given full control to utilize the digital world as human begins. We share a lot of information with one another via digital world (pictures, own and family histories, feelings etc) and yet we have managed to accept the uniqueness of one another in the digital world. We even share invitations for private parties, birthdays and other events through facebook instead of calling friends or sending invitation cards, and people whom we invite respond to those invitations saying if they can come to the invited event or not and even sending their best wishes. Well maybe we should ask ourselves are we safe in this digital surrounding (social media etc), do we have enough knowledge about the dangers of digital age? What about our own privacy and the information we share? We might be aware that sharing information via social media might even ruin someone’s carrier, relationship or even our social status. Being aware of the dangers of the digital world and learning about our own privacy will make us take control of the information we share about ourselves since technology has been and will always play a key role in our society. The impact of technology on our society is deep. It is both positive and negative. Technology has largely influenced every aspect of living. It has made life easy, but so easy that it may lose its charm on day. One can cherish an accomplishment only if it comes after effort. But everything has become so easily available due to technology that it has lost its value. There is a certain kind of enjoyment in achieving things after striving for them. But with everything a few clicks away, there is no striving, there’s only striking. With the developments in technology, we may be able to enjoy all the pricey luxuries in life but at the cost of losing its priceless joys.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Transportation :: essays research papers

Transportation is movement of people and goods from one location to another. Throughout history, the economic wealth and military power of a people or a nation have been closely tied to efficient methods of transportation. Transportation provides access to natural resources and promotes trade, allowing a nation to accumulate wealth and power. Transportation also allows the movement of soldiers, equipment, and supplies so that a nation can wage war. Transportation systems and the routes they use have greatly influenced both how and where people live. Reliable transportation allows a population to expand throughout a country's territory and to live comfortably in remote areas far from factories and farms. The growth and expansion of the United States were directly related to the means of transportation available at the time. The more compact cities of the U.S. eastern seaboard are the result of early human- and animal-based transportation systems that allowed only short trips. The more sprawling cities of the western United States are the result of an automobile-based transportation system that permits much longer travel distances. Transportation is vital to a nation's economy. Reducing the costs of transporting natural resources to production sites and moving finished goods to markets is one of the key factors in economic competition. The transportation industry is the largest industry in the world. It includes the manufacture and distribution of vehicles, the production and distribution of fuel, and the provision of transportation services. In the 1990s, approximately 11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product and an estimated 10 percent of all jobs in the United States were related to the transportation industry. The same transportation systems that link a nation can also be used in the nation's war efforts. The rapid movement of troops, equipment, and supplies can be a deciding factor in winning a battle or a war. Transportation is usually classified by the medium in which the movement occurs, such as by land, air, water, or pipeline. Within each of the first three media, many different methods are used to move people and goods from place to place. Pipelines are used mainly to transport liquids or gases over long distances. Land transportation is the dominant form of transportation in the world. People can move about land under their own power, either by walking or by other forms of human-powered transportation such as the bicycle. People also use domestic animals as a means of transportation, both for riding and for pulling wheeled wagons or carts.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Marijuana Impairments a Qualitative Study

Marijuana Impairments a Qualitative Study The term that knowledge is power only stands correct if your information is reliable and correct. Therefore, only some information is power, for not all information is reliable. The information we receive substantiates our belief system, and the decisions we make and how we understand the world around us. If that information is tainted by receiving misinformation/inaccuracies, such as information handed down through myths, folklore, and others’ misconceived ideals, then this information is dis-empowering to us and could be harmful to our creditability (Harris, 2010).This qualitative study is on the effects of Marijuana, and how it impairs function and inhibits motor skills. The purpose of a qualitative study is to gain knowledge from a particular social situation, event, role, group, or interaction (Creswell, 2009 p. 194). Therefore, it is an investigative process where the researcher gradually derives a conclusion from a social phenom enon by contrasting, comparing, recreating, cataloging and classifying the object of a study (Creswell, 2009, p. 194).According to Creswell (2009), in order to accomplish a qualitative study one must immerse themselves into the everyday activities of the topic/setting of the informants’ environment through continual interaction, and pursue the informants’ views and interpretations (p. 194). Qualitative research is the attempt to reconstruct the subjects’ real-world experiences. The study by Ramaekers, Kauert, Ruitenbeek, Theunssen, Schneider, and Moeller (2006) indicates that high-potency marijuana was shown to consistently impair executive function as assessed in the Tower of London (TOL) task (p. 298). In the original version of TOL, it consists of three colored balls, which must be arranged on three sticks to match the target configuration on a picture while only one ball can be moved at a time (p. 2298). The current version is computer generated images compr ised of the start and finish arrangements of balls. Every time a ball is moved counts as one step. The subject decides as quickly as possible, whether the end arrangement can be accomplished in 2, 3, 4, or 5 steps from the beginning arrangement by pushing the corresponding number coded button (Ramaekers, et al. 2006, p. 2298). The use of nine separate versions of this test were assessed and objectively reviewed. The TOL test found the executive function and planning abilities of the subjects under the influence of a high dosage of THC had their cognitive functions impaired and measured the degree of this impairment (Ramaekers, et al. , 2006). In conclusion, participants that smoked marijuana with a high THC content illustrated a consistent impairment of executive function when undergoing the TOL.The motor functions were also impaired through a decrease in the ability to track the objects when it came to â€Å"critical tracking task† (Ramaekers, et al. , 2006), along with a si gnificant decline in motor response, with impairments continuing for a period up to six hours after smoking a high level THC 500 mg/kg marijuana joint (Ramaekers, et al. , 2006, p. 2302). The study did not include subjects that were heavy daily users of marijuana in order to prevent tainting the results of this test through residual impairment by the THC already in the systems of those individuals (Ramaekers, et al. 2006). References Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Harris. R. (2010). Evaluating internet research sources. Virtual Salt. Retrieved January 1, 2012,  2011, from http://www. virtualsalt. com/evalu8it. htm. http://pewresearch. org. Ramaekers, J. G. , Kauert2, G. , van Ruitenbeek, P. , Theunissen, E. L. , Schneider, E. , & Moeller, M. R. (2006). High-potency Marijuana impairs executive function and inhibitory motor control. Neuropsychopharmacology, 31, 2296–2303

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rambling and Run On Sentences

Rambling and Run On Sentences Rambling or run-on sentences are sentences that contain several independent clauses in a row, to the point that they sound clumsy and exhausting. In case you need to review, an independent clause is a phrase that could be a whole sentence on its own: I like eggs for breakfast.My sister prefers pancakes. Each of the phrases above can stand as a sentence on its own, but if you wrote them (and others) this way in an essay, the overall message would sound choppy. I like eggs for breakfast. But my sister prefers pancakes. So our mom makes both. And we can each have what we want. To keep our writing from sounding too choppy, we can connect sentences to become two or more independent clauses in a single sentence. These are correctly connected by a coordinating conjunction. I like eggs for breakfast, but my sister prefers pancakes. Our mom makes both, so we can each have what we want. See how that sounds better? They do sound better, but we have to be careful not to overdo it! We cant put too many independent clauses in one sentence, or we have our run-ons or our rambling sentences. Tip You can remember the coordinating conjunctions by memorizing the word FANBOYS.F forA andN norB butO orY yetS so Rambling Sentences A rambling sentence may appear to follow the technical rules of grammar in places, but the sentence just sounds wrong because the thought rambles from one topic to another. The passage below is a single sentence that contains many independent clauses: I was happy to walk down the aisle as a bridesmaid in my sister’s wedding, but I was very embarrassed when I stumbled in the middle of the ceremony, for when I recovered, I looked up and saw my sister and I thought she was going to faint, because I could see her standing in the doorway waiting to begin her own walk down the aisle, and her face was all white, she looked like she was going to throw up. Much of this looks correct  because the various clauses are connected correctly (except one comma splice). Don’t hesitate to break up sentences that ramble: I was happy to walk down the aisle as a bridesmaid in my sister’s wedding. However, I was very embarrassed when I stumbled in the middle of the ceremony, especially when I recovered. I looked up and saw my sister and I thought she was going to faint. I could see her standing in the doorway, waiting to begin her own walk down the aisle. Her face was all white and she looked like she was going to throw up! Run-On Sentences In a run-on sentence, the clauses are not properly connected with correct punctuation  or coordinating conjunction.   Problem: Every time I go to the grocery store I run into the same girl her name is Fran and she is a friend of my cousin.Solution 1: Every time I go to the grocery store, I run into the same girl; her name is Fran, and she is a friend of my cousin.Solution 2: Every time I go to the grocery store, I run into the same girl. Her name is Fran, and she is a friend of my cousin. See how the solutions improve the sentence? Problem: I try not to use pens that tend to leak Ive lost a few backpacks because of leaky pens.Solution 1: I  try not to use pens that tend to leak. Ive lost a few backpacks because of leaky pens.Solution 2: I  try not to use pens that tend to leak, yet Ive lost a few backpacks because of leaky pens.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Battle of Makin in World War II

Battle of Makin in World War II The Battle of Makin was fought November 20-24, 1943, during World War II (1939-1945). With the end of the fighting on Guadalcanal, Allied forces began planning for a march across the Pacific. Selecting the Gilbert Islands as the first target, planning moved forward for landings on several islands including Tarawa and Makin Atoll. Moving forward in November 1943, American troops landed on the island and succeeded in overwhelming the Japanese garrison. Though the landing force sustained relatively light casualties, the cost of taking Makin increased when the escort carrier USS Liscome Bay was torpedoed and lost with 644 of its crew. Background On December 10, 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces occupied Makin Atoll in the Gilbert Islands. Meeting no resistance, they secured the atoll and commenced construction of a seaplane base on the main island of Butaritari. Due to its location, Makin was well positioned for such an installation as it would extend Japanese reconnaissance abilities closer to American-held islands. Construction progressed over the next nine months and Makins small garrison remained largely ignored by Allied forces. This changed on August 17, 1942, when the Butaritari came under attack from Colonel Evans Carlsons 2nd Marine Raider Battalion (Map). Landing from two submarines, Carlsons 211-man force killed 83 of Makins garrison and destroyed the islands installations before withdrawing. In the wake of the attack, the Japanese leadership made moves to reinforce the Gilbert Islands. This saw the arrival on Makin of a company from the 5th Special Base Force and the construction of more formidable defenses. Overseen by Lieutenant (j.g.) Seizo Ishikawa, the garrison numbered around 800 men of which about half were combat personnel. Working through the next two months, the seaplane base was completed as were anti-tank ditches towards the eastern and western ends of Butaritari. Within the perimeter defined by the ditches, numerous strong points were established and coastal defense guns mounted (Map). Allied Planning Having won the Battle of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz desired to make a thrust into the central Pacific. Lacking the resources to strike directly at the Marshall Islands in the heart of the Japanese defenses, he instead began making plans for attacks in the Gilberts. These would be the opening steps of an island hopping strategy to advance towards Japan. Another advantage of campaigning in the Gilberts was the islands were within range of U.S. Army Air Forces B-24 Liberators based in the Ellice Islands. On July 20, plans for invasions of Tarawa, Abemama, and Nauru were approved under the code name Operation Galvanic (Map). As planning for the campaign moved forward, Major General Ralph C. Smiths 27th Infantry Division received orders to prepare for the invasion of Nauru. In September, these orders were changed as Nimitz grew concerned about being able to provide the needed naval and air support at Nauru. As such, the 27ths objective was changed to Makin. To take the atoll, Smith planned two sets of landings on Butaritari. The first waves would land at Red Beach on the islands western end with the hope of drawing the garrison in that direction. This effort would be followed a short time later by landings at Yellow Beach to the east. It was Smiths plan that the Yellow Beach forces could destroy the Japanese by attacking their rear (Map). Battle of Makin Conflict: World War II (1939-1945)Dates: November 20-23, 1943Forces Commanders:AlliesMajor General Ralph C. SmithRear Admiral Richmond K. Turner6,470 menJapaneseLieutenant (j.g.) Seizo Ishikawa400 soldiers, 400 Korean laborersCasualties:Japanese: approx. 395 killedAllies: 66 killed, 185 wounded/injured Allied Forces Arrive Departing Pearl Harbor on November 10, Smiths division was carried on the attack transports USS Neville, USS Leonard Wood, USS Calvert, USS Pierce, and USS Alcyone. These sailed as part of Rear Admiral Richmond K. Turners Task Force 52 which included the escort carriers USS Coral Sea, USS Liscome Bay, and USS Corregidor. Three days later, USAAF B-24s commenced attacks on Makin flying from bases in the Ellice Islands. As Turners task force arrived in the area, the bombers were joined by FM-1 Wildcats, SBD Dauntlesses, and TBF Avengers flying from the carriers. At 8:30 AM on November 20, Smiths men commenced their landings on Red Beach with forces centered on the 165th Infantry Regiment. M3 Stuart light tanks on Makin, November, 1943. US Army Fighting for the Island Meeting little resistance, American troops quickly pressed inland. Though encountering a few snipers, these efforts failed to draw Ishikawas men from their defenses as planned. Approximately two hours later, the first troops approached Yellow Beach and soon came under fire from Japanese forces. While some came ashore without issue, other landing craft grounded offshore forcing their occupants to wade 250 yards to reach the beach. Led by the 165ths 2nd Battalion and supported by M3 Stuart light tanks from the 193rd Tank Battalion, the Yellow Beach forces began engaging the islands defenders. Unwilling to emerge from their defenses, the Japanese forced Smiths men to systematically reduce the islands strong points one by one over the next two days. USS Liscome Bay (CVE-56), September 1943. Public Domain Aftermath On the morning of November 23, Smith reported that Makin had been cleared and secured. In the fighting, his ground forces sustained 66 killed and 185 wounded/injured while inflicting around 395 killed on the Japanese. A relatively smooth operation, the invasion of Makin proved far less costly than the battle on Tarawa which occurred over the same time span. The victory at Makin lost a bit of its luster on November 24 when Liscome Bay was torpedoed by I-175. Striking a supply of bombs, the torpedo caused the ship to explode and killed 644 sailors. These deaths, plus casualties from a turret fire on USS Mississippi (BB-41), caused U.S. Navy losses to total 697 killed and 291 wounded.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rhetoric Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rhetoric Assignment - Essay Example Chapman’s immediate purpose appears to be to delight Americans living in Chicago about crimes in the city and how they can be reduced. He acknowledges the significant reduction of crimes in the city in recent years but still feels the rates are high compared with other cities in the country. Chapman wants some underlying issues such as poverty and racial segregation that contribute to crime to be addressed. He also wants the number of police to be increased so that they can tackle crime efficiently. Chapman effectively fits his message to the circumstance, times and audience. The message fulfills his intentions of creating awareness and fighting crime in Chicago. The initial setting of the article is a column for Chicago Tribune and Creators Syndicate. The immediate community and content of the article are the present high rates of violent crimes in Chicago, which Chapman argues that they have reduced in comparison with the past. According to Chapman, some Chicagoans, especial ly the ones from crime-prone neighborhoods, may not be aware of the large reduction of murders in the city. In the article, Chapman argues that the security has improved in Chicago City in general, but some areas still experience high rates of crime. Chapman uses figurative language such as hyperboles, metaphors, and personification in his article. He seeks to address the misconceptions of homicides and other crimes in the city. His immediate purpose is to inform Chicago residents about crimes in the city and how they can be reduced.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Care of Toddlers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Care of Toddlers - Essay Example It accounts for significant morbidity and mortality, especially in those with underlying cardiac or pulmonary disease. The etiologic agent is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), an RNA virus whose growth appears to be primarily in the respiratory tract epithelium. Other viruses, such as influenza virus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza virus, can produce similar clinical states. Almost all children have been infected by RSV by the age of 3 years. The peak rate of hospitalization occurs at before 6 months of age. Both the diseases affect children below 1 year. In this paper, we have made a study of two toddlers, one affected by acute Epiglottitis and the other by acute Bronchiolitis both under the age of 6, for the similarities in their symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment and care requirements. Epiglottitis is an acute swelling of the glottic structures caused by bacterial infection. It is a true medical emergency and requires rapid, accurate diagnosis and treatment to avoid airway obstruction. Epiglottitis involves infection of the supraglottic structures, usually with Haemophilus influenzae type b (HIB). On rare occasions other pathogens are involved, including Streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, -hemolytic streptococcus, and H. influenzae type a. Epiglottitis is has virtually disappeared in North America as a result of widespread immunization. The disease may rarely be caused by group A streptococci. Epiglottitis occurs throughout the year but is more common in the winter months. Eighty percent of infected children are younger than 5 years of age, with the peak incidence between 2 and 6 years of age. Since the institution of the HIB vaccine, the incidence appears to be declining, and epiglottitis currently accounts for only 1 to 10 of every 10,000 pediatric admissions. Older children may be affected by supraglottitis that is more indolent and is caused by group A streptococcus. There may be genetic and immunogenic factors which predispose individuals to invasive HIB disease. On the other hand, Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the small airways that results in expiratory obstruction and wheezing. The term "bronchiolitis" is usually applied to an illness of young infants and children, characterized by respiratory distress and hypoxemia. Older children may also have wheezing with viral infections. Bronchiolitis is typically caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Other agents that have been associated with bronchiolitis include adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, rhinoviruses, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Transmission occurs primarily by direct contact with infected secretions. Viral shedding typically lasts 6 to 10 days. Attack rates among family members are 45 per cent, and transmission in daycare centers approaches 100 per cent among infants previously uninfected. Symptoms In the case of the toddler with acute epiglottitis, the symptoms might include acute illness with high temperature (often 39.5C+) and associated toxic state for less than 2 days, acute onset of severe inspiratory and expiratory stridor which is rapidly progressive. The child appears anxious, still, swallowing is painful and so there often is drooling of saliva. The child with epiglottitis presents with an abrupt onset of fever, sore