Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Model the Me in Leadership Healthcare System

Question: Discuss about the Model the Me in Leadership? Answer: Critical Commentary To me Leadership for healthcare system was an opportunity to accumulate great experience. The practical work, design, and the overall content helped me to understand the concept in a better way. Throughout the work, I learnt about the practical application of the module. This model helped me to enhance the boundary of my knowledge in such a way that I can use this knowledge further in my life in order to build my career as an efficient health care provider. This module was above my expectation. This experience helped me to uncover dynamics and insights, which were beyond my expectation. The experience I gather from this assignment increased my curiosity about the health care profession. The height of learning I received from this work generates motivation for me to gather more knowledge, work more on this topic and become a better person in this profession. From the beginning of the task, I was too much dedicated to learning more about this subject. The level of learning which I rece ived from this module infused enthusiasm within me to learn more, do more and become more. Right from the beginning, I was enthusiastic to put in my best efforts in this module, and consequently, I worked very hard for it. I gave my best effort in this module and worked hard to meet the expectations of my professors. I not only focused on the learning concepts of this assignment but also made sure that I should participate rigorously and dedicatedly in different class activities as well as group projects, which were conducted in the Institute. I emphasized on active participation as I learned that these activities are helpful to develop my leadership skills in the health care system. As per my consent, the course was designed to meet the students need as well as enhancing their utility. I have pondered upon my learning and how this section has contributed towards improvement of leadership qualities by reflecting upon a variety of theories. I have also mentioned regarding the aspects of my personality which I must improve, so that I can create my reputation in the job market. Furthermore, I have also specified what did not go well for me in this module and what I propose to follow in the future. First of all, I discovered that this assignment proved as the finest channel in order to improve my knowledge and develop my characteristics to become eligible in the job market. This module helped me to realize the importance of health care sector in my life and the utmost significance to provide the best service. I found that the health care profession is very dynamic, and health care professionals are designated with extreme imperative accountability to the society as well as to the patients (Swayne, Duncan and Ginter 2012). The module helped me to develop awareness within me and promoted me to be a health care professional. In this scenario, I have to admit that the class activities proved as beneficial to gather pre-experience as a health care professional did. In addition, I also need to admit that the widespread health care system in the United Kingdom astonished me. After going through the course, I believe that the knowledge of leadership I have managed to accumulate from th is opportunity helped me to develop the base of my career, which I want to accomplish in my homeland. According to Trait Theory, certain characteristics which are essential to a person are termed as Central Traits; though, secondary traits are those which are more nonessential in nature. This theory states that traits are comparatively constant over time and can be a source to influence behaviour among individuals. When the professional training is coupled with clinical experience, it helped to establish systematic approaches that engaged to evaluate different situations that could be faced in the healthcare (Berwick and Hackbarth 2012). According to Porter (2010), the central traits could be defined as different characteristic, which is observed as "basic" to an individual. On the other hand, the secondary traits emphasize those characteristics, which are very rare or peripheral. According to this theory, the traits are constant with the time and are found to play a key role to inf luence people. During this assignment, I evaluated myself in order to find out my potentiality as a leader and the qualities or characteristics of a leader. I assessed myself using the "16 personality test" (Edmonstone 2011).The module helped me to discover the leader within me by considering the theories of leadership, these theories focus on the study of specific behaviors of a leader. The behavior of a leader is the best predictor of his influences regarding the leadership and hence as a result is the best determinant of his success as a leader and encouraged me to exercise my leadership style, which is helpful to build my career in a better manner. However, sometimes I felt difficulties in understanding certain theories in leadership. All these experiences did not only harness my strategic capabilities, but also inculcated moral obligations within me. Now, I am fully conscious of my moral and ethical values as a healthcare professional. Communication was an additional platform which was provided by the module, and was assisted through group activities. Group activities are also known to facilitate peer learning and assessment (Boud, Cohen Sampson, 1999, pp.413-426). It gave an opportunity to discuss various academic issues and helped in formation of a relaxed environment, which made learning easier and interesting to grasp. Group-based activities facilitated inter-personal interactions which I believe harnessed my critical thinking abilities. When we were asked to discuss various case studies or to present in a group, many a times I found myself leading the group. This increased my self-confidence as a leader. Also, due to this I was able to discover different management styles practised by others, conflict management, decision-making and teamwork. Lichtenstein (2005, pp.341-356) proposes that groups are like teach communities that can positively affect academic and social outcomes as well as student achievements. The modes of learning organized in the module also fascinated me. I was astonished by the impact they had on me. For example, many a time we were required to engage in practical work where we had to deal with diverse people in changeable situations. The supreme significance connected with practical experience remains unquestionably a foundation venue of learning and must be encouraged (Shi Singh, 2010). Although the course structure was informative, the classroom activities helped me to increase my practical knowledge in this professional field. They provide me a venue in order to explore myself and the leadership skill, which was buried within me. I always tried to observe my friends performance so that I can evaluate my eligibility as well as educate myself. I looked forward to listening to the opinions from my friends and their debates on certain topic, which was helpful to open the new window of ideas so that it can be beneficial for me in future. . Such classroom activities were actually promoting the communicative approach among us and facilitate "joint management" of learning. The classroom activities are also allowed to achieve a fuller comprehension of practical and theoretical aspects of this study (Porter 2010). These activities prepared a base, which helped me to evaluate myself and learn about myself. I found, the Johari window illuminated many things that were beyond m y knowledge previously. I discovered that this self-awareness tool is not only helpful to know myself in a better way but also controlled the motion of my energies towards a positive direction. It has helped me to gain confidence and implement all the procedures to enhance my leadership skill. In this context, I have to accept that the Johari window truly helped me evaluate as well as explain different dimensions of my personality. It has played a vital role in enhancing my overall personality (Currie and Lockett 2011). Another aspect that was illuminated in this module was the emotional experiences, which I was never fully aware of. This module helped me to deal and manage the clinical concept of transference. Transference can be defined as the incidents that take place every day in social interaction. In this process, the generic rules of processing social information are followed. This module taught me how to identify the signs that can trigger as well as direct the transference in order to promote adaptive responding from my patients. This module was helpful to identify the redirection of feelings and emotions towards patients can that result in adverse effects (Slavkin 2010). This was something new to me, and I tried my best to learn self-control to advance my career as a health care professional and discover ways to help the individuals. . I think this module gave us enough insight, information and opportunity which facilitated me to engage in reflective learning. Likewise, another method empl oyed by our tutors whom I admired the most was demonstrating a variety of real life examples and sharing the details with us. I was drawn towards these examples as I felt an association because I knew that these examples represent situations which I would be dealing with, therefore, examples were always every engaging and impelled involvement and concentration. Interaction was the platform that was offered by the module and it was facilitated through group activities. Group activities are found to facilitate assessment as well as peer learning. It provided an opportunity to discuss different academic issues. It is also helped in the formation of relaxed environment that make the learning more interesting and easier to grasp. It is observed that group-based activities enhanced inter-personal interactions that tied together my abilities to think critically (Souza and Pidd 2011). I enjoyed group activities the most, as it gave me chance to learn through my peers and showcase my skills too. Moreover, the role played by my tutors is also noteworthy, without their dedication and constant support; this module would have been incomplete. In most of the cases, when I gave a group presentation or discussed different case studies, I found myself in the position of a leader, who is leading the group. This step helped me to enhance my self-confidence to increase my confidence level as a leader. Besides, I explored different management styles that are practiced by others such as decision-making, conflict management, and teamwork. Many researchers showed groups could be considered as "learning communities" that can have a direct impact on the student's achievement as well as social and academic outcomes (Best et al. 2012). The researchers also proposed that group based activities can enhance internationally achieved and shared cognition (Kakuma et al. 2011). The learning modes showed in the module also captivated me. The experience I gathered from this module was amazing. For instance, our teachers always encouraged us in our practical courses where we were subjected to deal with various people in different situations. The dominant importance, which I found, is associated with practical experience remains a core venue of learning. This learning action was not only extremely insightful but also helped me to develop faster thinking and making right decisions in demanding situations. The module helped me to train myself to be a leader. I think this module helped me to ascertain the leader within me and also gave me plenty of opportunities to implement my leadership. Primarily, there were certain theories which were difficult to comprehend, but I managed to cope up with the pace. This module exercise was helpful in offering me an opportunity to reflect on my knowledge, which I gathered throughout the course. According to the researchers, ref lect is a tool that not only helped the tutors to learn about the depth of the knowledge but also helped them to identify the methodological issues. According to my perception, this module provided me enough opportunity, knowledge and insight that facilitated me to connect with a reflective learning. On the other hand, there was another method, which was implemented by other teachers and what I admired the most is the demonstration of various real life examples. Moreover, tutors shared details about the subject with us, which was very helpful to get an overview of the study. When I looked behind, I found myself satisfied, in fact, overwhelmed with the module structure and the help from the organization. In this module, the significance of the leadership was highlighted. On the other hand, I became eligible to assess myself in a different context. This module helped me to point out not only my strengths but also my weaknesses. This module offered me the opportunity to get significant feedback from my tutors as well as fellow mates, which helped to develop my judgment. Apart from the educational course formation, I consider that classroom activities played a noteworthy role in contributing towards my acquaintance base. They provided a place to explore ones self and also to analyze others in similar situations. I was always enthusiastic to observe how my fellow mates act in response and partake because then I was able to assess and instruct myself. I intend to extend my knowledge and mental horizons and would continue pursuance of medical experiences, so th at whatever I have learnt in this module does not go worthless. I looked forward to learn from my colleagues during class activities because at times, hearing to diverse viewpoint led to opening of novel mental windows. I am pleased to learn the practical application as well as the theoretical frameworks in health care systems. Different issues like leadership style, decision-making and management have significant importance in the setting of modern health care system. These factors are considered as the major factors to maintain the quality care and drive the health care facilities. Most of all I enjoyed the group activities as through group activities which in turn helped me to demonstrate my skills in front of others. This module made me recognize that inappropriate redirection of emotions or feelings towards patients can have adverse effects. This was a new learning for me and I aim to practise self-control in my medical career. In this context, I have to admit that the effort put by my teachers to develop my skills was also note worthy. With out a constant support and complete dedication from my teachers, the module would not touch its mark. The relationship with my tutor was valuable and significant as they were always accessible and always motivated me towards my career. Therefore, I intend to increase the boundary of my knowledge and continue to pursue my success in the chosen career so that I do not let my teachers down or their expectations from me. There are different aspects that I think I could deal with more effectively. At the beginning of this paper, I mentioned that I had many issues regarding the application of different theoretical frameworks. After that, I realize that I need to focus more on the details of the work and the assessment of myself to keep pace with the highly competitive atmosphere. Now I realize that I should maintain it from the beginning my course work. However, now I have realized that I have several weaknesses. To overcome my weaknesses I took help from my mentors and mates. I also read many books to expand my knowledge boundary and update myself about the theories, which were very confusing at the beginning. On the other hand, I also learned to control my demonstration of views and judgments. I came to know that being logically correct is also considered as one of the best qualities of a leader that I need to develop inside me. I understand that having a realistic view can also make me reliable as a future leader. I intend to widen my knowledge and mental horizons and would continue pursuance of medical experiences, so that whatever I have learnt in this module does not go in vain. Overall, I have to admit that I am pleased to state that the experience and learning I have gained from this module and entire course work are momentous nature for me essentially that in turn helped me to advance my career. The knowledge I gathered from this module encouraged me more to gather utmost knowledge in this subject and apply my knowledge in the field work of health care system. The learning outcome of this module not only boosts my knowledge and enhances my professional career but also helped me to increase the overall quality of the healthcare organizations. Overall, I am pleased that I can articulate that the knowledge and experience that I have attained from this module are of significant nature for me essentially as well as for my profession. The information attained from this module has exposed new heights for me to accomplish now. Not only will this learning reinforce my professional career but I believe it is a big opportunity to augment the overall value of health care system. This module has prepared me with the understanding of such management related issues and academic frameworks which I had not known formerly. So apart from increasing my knowledge base, this module has also enhanced my creative thinking skills, management approaches, problem solving and strategic qualities and expertise as a health care professional. Reference: Berwick, D.M. and Hackbarth, A.D., 2012. Eliminating waste in US health care.Jama,307(14), pp.1513-1516. Best, A., Greenhalgh, T., Lewis, S., Saul, J.E., Carroll, S. and Bitz, J., 2012. Largeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ system transformation in health care: a realist review.Milbank Quarterly,90(3), pp.421-456. Currie, G. and Lockett, A., 2011. Distributing leadership in health and social care: concertive, conjoint or collective?.International Journal of Management Reviews,13(3), pp.286-300. de Souza, L.B. and Pidd, M., 2011. Exploring the barriers to lean health care implementation.Public Money Management,31(1), pp.59-66. Edmonstone, J., 2011. Developing leaders and leadership in health care: a case for rebalancing?.Leadership in Health Services,24(1), pp.8-18. Kakuma, R., Minas, H., van Ginneken, N., Dal Poz, M.R., Desiraju, K., Morris, J.E., Saxena, S. and Scheffler, R.M., 2011. Human resources for mental health care: current situation and strategies for action.The Lancet,378(9803), pp.1654-1663. Porter, M.E., 2010. What is value in health care?.New England Journal of Medicine,363(26), pp.2477-2481. Porter-O'Grady, T. and Malloch, K., 2011.Quantum leadership: Advancing innovation, transforming health care. Burlington, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning. Slavkin, H.C., 2010. Leadership for health care in the 21st century: a personal perspective.J Healthcare Leadership,2, pp.35-41. Swayne, L.E., Duncan, W.J. and Ginter, P.M., 2012.Strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley Sons.

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